[AB resin]
ab resin, also known as ab water, is a very convenient material to use, as long as a group and b group mixing ratio of 1:1 will be soon after the curing, the details of good molds, shrinkage; common There 8012,8014,8017, 8017 I use them more, although your point, but the quality is better;
Advantages: good fluidity, the finished product feel good, shrinkage is small;
Disadvantages: There may be novice fast response time to operate, expensive, fever, fear tide;
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Also into the silicone, silicone; as the process of making molds from the mold main supplies, Arranging more, but not aspiring to buy from the shop to ensure that Arranging is completely correct, perhaps that silicone in the actual chemical Arranging is another, Oh, the unspoken rules; more convenient to use, silicone and curing agent ratio of 100:2, stir 2 to 4 hours after curing (uneven mixing may never cure the.
1, be sure to stir;
2, note that the proportion of curing agent added is less than 100:2 reaction will slow down or even may not cure, cure rate of more than 100:2 will result in accelerated deterioration of the cured silicone toughness;
3, more dense, poor mobility, so the operation likely to have poor air bubbles; unless more expensive to buy a good silica gel;
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[Industrial plasticine]
Reflection before making a silicone mold casting the main material; also be used as molding material; relatively soft.
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Medical Vaseline, solid fats, as between two layers of silicone release agent.
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Used to dilute the silica gel, silica gel mobility so changed for the better, to reduce air bubbles, but the side effects will reduce the hardness of the cured silicone, so the amount needed to join, but only up to that layer in contact with the prototype.
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To extract the silicone curing agent. 100:2 ah, if it is 100 g silica gel, only 2 grams curing agent, do you intend to use said?
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Silicone is used to weigh, not clear how the calculation of the curing agent it? Generally can be used to buy the kitchen, and 3 to 5 grams, said do not come out is not important, unless you intend to even the curing agent is also weighing; Also, please always do things according to your size to choose the right electronic scales, the upper limit of 5 I kg, more than 5 kg to die
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Molds blocks: non-essentials, you can use any kind of plastic plates instead of, as long as Dachu a box on it, please go to if you want to buy blocks Gunze mold blocks, but very few sellers, as more expensive, with fewer people
[Container] mixing silica
Needless to say this, find a large plastic cup and stirring rod to find things to do on it.
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These are the molds required for basic materials and tools, that with these you can turn the basic model, but individuals at home so that the mouth molds for casting, flow, vent, parting ways, casting methods and other issues need consider many, so many brains suggest that you consider appropriate molds way, it will easily produce bubbles, and AB for the silicone resin of choice, do not focus on price is also cheap to buy.
Are basically buying in Taobao material. Postage alone is more than 100. However, the quality is quite good.
Or wear a mask when production is better.
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1, the 8017 can not be mixed with the resin production process 1 point of water, so please note that the 8017 use, whether it is carrying the cup, stirring stick or silicone mold itself, can not contain a drop of water were, otherwise, You can wait for bubble show.
2, the silica gel containing silicone problem, I believe is not the first time we heard, though I'm not sure whether to like 8017 by 191, as the effects of organic silicon, but this super-active substances, or how many should have an impact on the resin, In order to avoid any part of a problem, I silicone mold heating (some say with the oven, we did not use that equipment ...), I have a hairdryer, a long time on silicone mold blown, Oh.
3, on the mold itself, should be regarded as the mold manufacturing process, and if you are not sure you can put the mold tight Hao, please note the start leaving tank leak (fortunately, I do not need), because the 8017 resin Before curing, even mixed, it is still about 30 seconds the same time as the water flow, Oh, this is a good feature Ah, if you missed the mold, use a colander then imagine the feeling of water.
4,8017 about 30 seconds after mixing the crystallization phenomenon began to appear, he began to cure, oh, you should pay attention to, mix the shortest possible time, and the inlet is large enough, and, a vent note that a good start, whether you are a first On Ye Hao, Ye Hao after the open, otherwise, do not go in that water, you wait for the cup of the remaining resin become pawn it.
5, although the requirement is a 1:1 mixing ratio, or nothing but a little deviation, and the other, if you want a slightly slower rate of cure in order to facilitate the operation, can b solution (that is, deep color, it is the catalyst) is slightly put a little less, attention Oh, put a little less, if you a little excessive, estimated to be filling out the soft noodles, and Oh, whether you use electronic scales or straw will do.
6, after curing, wait a few minutes and then pull mode, although in theory he can pull about 2 minutes, but just in case, you have more than a few minutes does not matter, smoke, sit down, find a place to let in air (resin is still very choked).
7, taken out after the still hot, if the winter can be a hot treasure, after all, what is the chemical reaction, do not be afraid, I would go to cool.
8, on the release agent, release agent I suspect this problem, leading me to do when the silicone mold silicone are glued together, but when you turn mold release agent spray did much good, they might He also produced a bubble, so I think we should not put too much release agent such things, silicone, you just use detergent behind Vaseline, of course, so you begin to molds, and must take these things get clean, detergent behind the absolute contains water, a small amount of Vaseline is said to have water, when the bubble to blame I did not tell you, the silicone mold itself can not be so easy and resin glue, that useless release agent, directly to the silicone mold in irrigation, rest assured, you are filling at least five or six do not have release agent, this time another problem, if you have a small prototype parts, please note that mold process, or, well pull out.
9,8017, when the resin in the casting, even though they have solidified, and you go down poured a second time, after the finished product is still one, but perhaps this time not too long, as long as he solidified, and you poured the second part, triangular head dress that I actually poured three times, does not look like flaws, as did freezing, you poured inside, two are mixed in together, should not be too good, of course, this is the remedy, if you calculate the resin less, and then do it, otherwise, this move is not necessary.
10, after all get mold, you can try a combination, grinding, sawing is very convenient, small parts and finally glue, the other as far as I tested, 3 mm or so things, if a little heavy, strong enough, so, for small connection part, please think of another way, do not rely too much on 8017.